

Posted by teuku Kamis, 04 Juli 2013 0 komentar


Here's 12 of the best sights in Sabang (Pulau Weh) and obligatory to visit

1. Beaches Anoi Itam and Japanese castle

Not far from the harbor, you will find a sandy beach typical black volcanic sand. Not surprisingly, Weh Island does have a small volcano that was active in the middle. Anoi Itam beach has beautiful scenery, as well as some Japanese forts that still maintained continuity. castles is what used to be the center of Japan's defense against enemy attacks from the sea ​​and air.

2. Pantai Sumur Tiga

Three wells are one of the most beautiful beaches on the island of Weh. Mentioned that because there are three wells of fresh water available along the beaches. White sand and very clean, the contrast with light blue gradient towards the ocean blue. What's more, the beach is still quiet and no little visitors even garbage.

3.Danau Aneuk Laot

Lake is large enough at the same time a source of fresh water for the entire hydropower Sabang (weh island). You can enjoy views of the lake from inside the vehicle, because the road is curved on one side of the lake. Alternatively, you can also go down to the banks of the lake to see the activities of people fishing and fresh water fish pond care.

4. Waterfalls Pria

To achieve it, you have to park the vehicle at the end of the village bridge and continue the journey on foot as far as 1 kilometer. Pria waterfall is very beautiful, in harmony with the surrounding hedge trees. High waterfall is only about 10 meters, so that not too swift sparks. You can take a relaxing swim in the pool just below the falls, as well as enjoying the 'fish spa' experience in the outskirts of the pond.

5. Pantai Obtaining

Gapang beach is one of the beaches most visited by tourists. Not because the availability of snorkeling and diving facilities are complete, including the ships that transport the diver to the dive spots. Off its shores, there are points that produce hydrothermal hot water bubbles in the water! In addition to diving around Gapang Beach , you can also transfer to the island of Rondo for deep-sea fishing activities.

6. Pantai Iboih

Not far from Gapang, you can go to the beach Iboih to enjoy the white sand and clear sea water. This beach also has a row of lodging, as this is where the closest point to the island Rubiah. Fishing boats line the harbor to the island Rubiah. In fact, you can see the fish in the beautiful tiger swerving between his ships!

7. Pulau Rubiah

Nuns is one of the excellent Weh Island. The island can be reached by hired boat from Coast Iboih, with a 15 minute long journey. Underwater parks are located around the island is home to ornamental fish and some coral species. You will find lots of parrot fish (parrot fish) with a striking body colors and sizes are huge! However, you must remain cautious because of strong currents here.

8. Monkey Road

As the name implies, this is a track where you can find species of monkeys along the way. Wild monkeys is what will lead you to Kilometer Zero Monument located on the north island of Weh. You can give them food such as bananas or beans, but be careful because there are many wild boars that roam along the way.

9. Tugu Nol Kilometer 

Maybe this is the main attraction for the tourists Weh Island. Approximately 5 kilometers from Iboih, Kilometre Zero monument towering over the side of the cliff as high as 22.5 meters above the water surface. This monument directly overlooks the Indian Ocean so you will not find any land again as far as the eye could see. Here, you can also get a certificate that contains the serial number of visitors Kilometre Zero monument .

However, before it became ground zero memorial Homeland, is a monument Kilometer Seven who have that identity. This monument is now just a marker board. Kilometre Zero monument originally built in this place, then move the location as proof of better geographical survey and thorough.

10. The hot spring Keuneukai

Still along the coast, the next attraction in the south of Pulau Weh. Here, you can relax the tired muscles with a soak in the hot springs Kaneukai. The hot water comes from the volcano located in the middle of the island of Weh. 

11. Spin Tour

For tourists who like your bias did her mincing around the beach on the island of Sabang. But for the mincing mania who want to feel the sensation of extraordinary fishing, you can do it up the boat and headed to the island of rondo and fishing areas that definitely will not disappoint you.

12. Batu Gendang

Rock drum located in Gunong Balek, about 1.5 kilo meters from the nest cave. This large stone called the Stone Drum because it will produce a sound that resembles the sound of a drum or rapa'i when struck by other objects

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